Saturday, August 15, 2009

Greetings All

Greetings in the Comforting Name of Jesus Christ,
Recently I read an article concerning the murder of a young girl. The parents are devastated, but the mother moreso. The daughter was a believer, the mother was not. One day the mother went for a walk in the woods, and while there she broke down and angrily yelled at God. "I told her she could trust you!" When she was done, she clearly heard God's reply. "You will see her again", was God's answer. The woman left the woods with a new faith in God. I see another point here. God will NEVER leave you standing alone, ever. He is always with you, no matter what the outcome of any situation!
God's word says, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the age."
May God Richly Bless You Always!
Now is the Time to Worship!

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